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Hopkirk | 22:06 Mon 19th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
26 Answers

I was watching Call My Bluff on BBC 4 this evening when I got all nostalgic.


Do you suppose the kids today know that drinks used to be sold in cans with no ring pull?



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We had a party line shared with next door.

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If we wanted to ring someone in the local area we only had to dial the last four digits.

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I think that's right, but I was too young to make phone calls.

In the village I grew up in the telephones only had 3 digits in total, and all calls went through the local manual exchange.

I can still remember our number - it was (Charmouth) 112.  Used to amuse me as a kid because of the police messages on the wireless gave the call number Whitehall 1212 - close but different1

oh we were Beaminster 225 - I dont think we had a charmouth number ( Higher sea lane)

caller press button A ....

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