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When The Chinese Leader, Xi Jinping, Invited...

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sandyRoe | 21:28 Mon 19th Aug 2024 | History
8 Answers

...the party to confirm his lifelong leadership, only one delegate abstained.

I wonder what became of him?



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There is some similarities with AB.  Disagree with those who think they rule the roost and show them up for the bullies that they are.😄
22:40 Mon 19th Aug 2024

We'll probably never know.

'Who?' would probably be the only answer you will ever find.

They deal with dissent by driving over opponents in tanks.

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In the olden days in China a man who disagreed with the powers that be would announce that he was going fishing.

As long as he did just that he was left alone.

I don't suppose the one man who voted with his conscience would be afforded that privilege.

There is some similarities with AB.  Disagree with those who think they rule the roost and show them up for the bullies that they are.


Isn't it usually cocks that rule the roost? 😉🐓

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There's a merciful few capons here in AB who think themselves cock o' the walk.

They key in their opinion on the topic in question and signal they think they've gave the definitive answer with an, "End of". 😩

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When The Chinese Leader, Xi Jinping, Invited...

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