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Gmeb - Bit Late But I’ll Try Again Lol.

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Smowball | 09:35 Tue 20th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
13 Answers

Is anyone still here now? lol.

i seem to have posted in wrong category earlier, no idea how! Anyway, I was talking about last nights super moon - looked amazing here in London. Who else saw it??



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Not me, sadly.  

Morning all, no I didn't see it.

Not much planned for today and it looks like it might rain here soon

Nor me.  

Realised it was supposed to be on view after I got into bed. Wasn't worth checking. Every time I check for some phenomenon in the heavens it turns out not to be visible. (Although everyone else seems to get photographs to send to the media.)

No, although I looked at various times, lucky you. Cold and drizzly here, definitely an indoor day. Was going to the Post Office to tax my car, and have found out that as from March 2024 this service is no longer available. I find it quite intimidating how much you are expected to do online and how much info you are expected to disclose. No doubt it's my age!!

That's awful, calda.  It certainly makes life difficult for people who don't have the internet.  I think a lot of older people are intimidated by the internet anyway.  

Morning all from a nice bright sunny day in East Yorkshire.
I want to get my grass cut before it gets too warm here, other than that not a lot planned for the day.
Must sort out something for my tea too, nothing I really fancy.
Have a good day all ๐Ÿ˜€

Have just taxed my car on DVLA website, they are saying you can tax at the Post Office, but the official government site says not. I wish they would get their act together. While I am so cross I might answer Barry's post about complaining!!

Good Morning(!) Smow. I typed in a long answer to your original post but while I was thus engaged a jobsworth Mod killed it as "in the wrong category",  but of course I didn't find that out until I hit SEND and all was gone. Really frustrating.  

Other similar forums allow their Mods to move an entry to another category if they think it needs doing but Answerbank's Techies aren't smart enough to provide that feature.

Nothing planned today although I might get round to cutting the grass ๐Ÿคจ

Canary, it wasn't a 'jobsworth' mod  - it was me doing my job.  

Good afternoon, Smow & all. Hope everyone is well. No, didn't see super moon last night. Shame. I'm busy busy busy! Has grandchildren this week, now packing for seaside holiday for just over a week. I feel physically & mentally strained! Must be getting old..๐Ÿ˜€ Have a good day one & all x


It's beautiful here in Hove.  Sun is shining bright and there is a gentle breeze.  It must have rained last night as garden slabs were damp this morning.  Beautiful white-tailed female fox stretched herself from sleep as I opened the blinds.  Last evening her and my little dog were chasing each other round the garden.  Correction:  he was chasing her out of the garden but she kept coming back.  Once the curtains are drawn and doors locked she does what she wants of course.

I think older folk are more likely to object to having their information demanded in order to progress when they see no reason for it. Younger folk are more likely to think it normal and have no objection.

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