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Agapanthus Anybody

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netherfield | 19:58 Tue 20th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
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Very nice.  After a bank year last year (I threatened them with uprooting them) I also have lovely blooms in a big pot at the door this year. Nice aren't they?



If they don't flower restrict the rootspace, either in a container or in a bed  surround with a buried membrane, once the roots fill the space they will flower reliably for about 5 years, then divide restrict and start again.

Have had my big bed of agapanthus for over 45 years. Was there when I bought the house so don't know how old they are.

Flower along the front under the bay window. Have just deadheaded them all.

Under Windows is a great place, the soil tends to be drier and  usually not very deep perfect for agapanthus, also if you are in the  South  you Might get amaryllis  to naturalise in the same place. 

Love agapanthus ... flowering this year but didn't last year!  Soon the nerine lilies will appear  ..  also do well under windows
against a wall. 

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