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By Heck, It's Parky

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barry1010 | 07:07 Wed 21st Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
14 Answers

Just had to nip up the road and the wind is cold.  Have I been asleep for a month?  It is still August, I'm sure.

How's it where you are?  Anyone's central heating switched itself on?



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heating on for an hour this am - just to take the chill off.

Cooler but heating not on.  

It's getting warmer down under, but only just.

Central heating, what magic do you speak of?

You could possibly have been hibernating Barry, but, who knows?

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Heating not needed here, it hasn't dipped below 20 in the house overnight so I was surprised how cold it was when I went out.  I turn my heating off in the summer

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How cold does it get in the winter, ozzie?

Minus 4 or 5 sometimes, minus 8 is the coldest I've suffered where I live.

Gotta love mother nature😉


Downstairs loo rad has been on, it's always left at 3.5 on the valve. I'm still in a short sleeve t shirt for now.

Downstairs loo rad has been on, it's always left at 3.5 on the valve. I'm still in a short sleeve t shirt for now.

I heard you the first time😉

Certainly autumnal mornings and evenings.

Don't put my heating on until about December.

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I wouldn't if I didn't have my oldsters here. I never have the heating on in my bedroom, I can't bear it.

I probably qualify as an "oldster", barry! See my user name.

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My oldsters tell me they're hipsters - but old. Hence oldsters 😀



It's "Global Warming" don'tcha know. 

Sorry, my mistake. They altered it to "Climate Change".

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