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My Liquorice Not Quite So Many Sorts

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New Judge | 14:13 Wed 21st Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
20 Answers

Here is a photo of my liquorice so-called allsorts, purchased from Tesco this morning. They're going back tomorrow.




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So engage a silk to sue, then sit on the bench new judge, you've got this covered😏How dare they promote allsorts that are not just lacking in your favourite flavours but are more one than another?*** sacrilege I say, sue the *** out of these low life liars and hold them responsible for their irresponsible actions.#allsorts!!! 
07:26 Thu 22nd Aug 2024

Yep, that looks like liquorice to me.

Tesco own brand?  I'd be disappointed too

Licorice SomeSorts.

Oops!  Liquorice!  Smacked knees!

Actually, I'd quite enjoy that bag......

I'd enjoy that bag too... a bit short on Jelly buttons though (aka spogs or something)

Is it home brand? I don't even see Bertie in there.

Black chews matter.

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"Is it home brand? I don't even see Bertie in there."

Yes they are Tesco brand. I actually prefer them to Bassets and can live without Bertie. Strangley I'm not that fond of liquorice on it's own, but I love the allsorts "sandwiches", the buttons and the coconut wheels. Mrs NJ usually has the plain liquorice sticks, but this latest pack was beyond that!

The only way to enjoy liquorice allsorts is to set light to them.

Confectionery of the devil 

Bought a packet of Asda's own brand - awful, no taste at all.  Has to be Maynards Bassetts. 😋

Loads of 'just liquorice' bits and hardly any coconut thingies.  

Perfect for me!

Sadly though, I daren't touch liquorice at all.  It pushes my blood pressure sky high ☹

I'm surprised to find that not only do the Yanks spell it differently they pronounce it differently too.


I don't pronounce it either way.

I like liquorice my Mum says it gives you a good run for your money ( The Goon Show)

It is known that large amounts of liquorice cause high blood pressure. A study by researchers at Linköping University, Sweden, now shows that even small amounts of liquorice raise blood pressure. The individuals who react most strongly also show signs of strain on the heart.

If it isn't made in Pontefract forget it.

So engage a silk to sue, then sit on the bench new judge, you've got this covered😏

How dare they promote allsorts that are not just lacking in your favourite flavours but are more one than another?

*** sacrilege I say, sue the *** out of these low life liars and hold them responsible for their irresponsible actions.



I probably should have posted #metoo because I'm also disappointed with the standard of liquorice allsorts these days.

What is happening in this world we all live in?

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“The only way to enjoy liquorice allsorts is to set light to them.”

“Confectionery of the devil”

I know how you both feel. I’m exactly the same with avocados and peanut butter.

"What is happening in this world we all live in?"

I've no idea, 1ozzy. What I do know is that it never happened under a Tory government!   🤣

“Perfect for me!”

You should have said, Chris. I would have run them up to Suffolk for you. Would have saved me a trip to my local Tesco.

And on that point, returned the said sweets this morning. Was given a replacement pack (which I checked to see it contained all sorts) and a £5 voucher!  Result!

Maybe for Christmas User Recommendationref=asc_df_B0D1YHHRQ1?tag=bingshoppinga-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=80195820471782&hvnetw=o&hvqmt=e&hvbmt=be&hvdev=t&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=&hvtargid=pla-4583795286248948&psc=1

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