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Daij | 21:01 Tue 20th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
13 Answers

1d Aggressiveness of Parisian intended (8)


2d Good climbing tree that bears wine-flavoured fruit (5)


3a Spa cooked with such raw food to make custard pies (8)


15a Expressionless vacant guy occupied with girl  (6)


14d Concrete and stone lifted to show mineral (7)


Thanks in advance




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1 de fiance

1 defiance

15   Glassy?

3. Crudites

anagram of above with spa makes custard pies!

14    Realgar?

agree with 'g lass y' and 'real gar' (rag reversed)

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Thanks very much for your help


Any more letters for 2d now, Daij?

Obvious answer seems to be G-rape (pear tree) but doesn't quite fit the wording.

Question Author

Captain2, sadly no. I toyed with grape but passed over for the same reason

Daij, don't know if you'll still look here, but I think I have the answer now.

2d G-enip (pine, tree, reversed).

Well done Captain!

Thanks elliemay. We don't like to be beaten do we? 

Definitely not!

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