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In Court Again Tomorrow (Tuesday)

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nailedit | 19:59 Mon 19th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
76 Answers

Starting to get a bit of an habit....



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Sober and presentable may be a big ask if the second bottle of vodka was true.

Yes, fingers crossed that he made it there.

Come on Nailedit, where are you?  xx

He's probably in Long Lartin!

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Apologies late reply.

I was actually arrested for been drunk and disorderly.

I was not rioting...I should have mader that more clear. I was just trying to video/document what was going on and while I have been assaulted many times by the police in the past they are not all the same and I couldnt condone some of the stuff that i witnessed like the police having house bricks thrown at them.

As I said it WAS an adrenalin rush, I cant deny that and I'm afraid that i DID get a bit verbal but not physically abusive.

Anyway yes, I know I'm a plonker in drink and Im desrerately trying to address it.

Got fines and cost of just shy of £200

(And yes, I was a bit late turning up which didnt help 😐)

Thank goodness you're OK, that's the main thing.

You are a daft bu*ger sometimes;-))

Pleased to hear you still have your liberty Nailedit :)

Don't do it again! 

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I can well understand some of the posts on this thread berating me but noone beats me up like I beat myself up...

I waited 6 months for a week long alcohol detox costing the nhs £2600. Remain sober for 5 months and then blow it by thinking that I can have one drink for just one night because I was stressed. If there was an emoji on here with a penis on a head I would post it...


Pleased you're home.  Eejit!!!  X

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 //Eejit!!! //

You been watching Father Ted naomi 😂

So glad you are home --------------- you start again from here... get it?

Glad to see you managed to skate over the very thin ice again and make it home ....

Glad you got home nailedit. Hope you're not going to have a drink to celebrate!

You CAN do it, you have done it in the past. Think of 'us lot' cheering you on and keep strong. I realise the law doesn't help you, but you can rise above it and not give in to it. So pleased you're ok again, you have such a lot of friends on here. xx

So relieved that you are OK...and just got off with a fine. Now put that behind you, and move forward  🤞 

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