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Rachel Reeves Is Going To Knee Cap The Poor In October.....

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ToraToraTora | 19:44 Wed 21st Aug 2024 | News
39 Answers

Are the Labour voters ready to pay more tax? higher interest rates? I must admit I am surprised at the speed that real Labour has set about shafting their own voters, I thought there would be at least a bit of a honeymoon period.




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Unfortunately, we are having a taste of the first proper Labour government since the 1970s.I think those rose-tinted spectacles voters wore on election day will be falling off at a gathering speed as Labour revert to type and startclobbering us all with overt and stealth taxes.Hopefully, the country will not actually be on its' knees when it comes time to...
11:09 Thu 22nd Aug 2024
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They'll pay it whether they're ready or not.

repent at leisure

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They'll pay it whether they're ready or not.

here's one that will stick to the shovel:

Jolly good straightforward British common sense ! more please.

// I think the voters were so sick of Bojo's lies and manoeuvres//

Bojo was out long before the GE wasn't he?

Oh, you mean Rachel Thieves ! I almost didn't know who you meant.

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TTT – as a self-declared millionaire, you must approved of such a policy to tax the poor?

OG!   you saucy old man !

Hymie, why must he?

Maybe I’ve missed TTT’s posts in which he wants the Labour government to tax the rich and help the poor – perhaps he could declared as much in this thread.

Get a grip, hymie.  

Hymie, would you like to provide proof of your claim against TTT, or is this juet more heasay and supposition presented as fact by you?

It is those working people at the poorer end of society who will suffer at the hands of Robber Reeves, the richer will just cut things.  I'm looking at sacking the gardener and house help so once again the poorer will be hit.

Labour are proving themselves to be the disaster many predicted faster than I thought ever possible.

Long may Labour voters suffer.

//Hymie, would you like to provide proof of your claim against TTT, or is this juet more heasay and supposition presented as fact by you?//


Can you be more specific - what exactly is my claim against TTT that you’d like proof of?

You know very well what you are doing, there is no substance in anything you say, its all hearsay and suggestion presented as truth.

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hymie: "TTT – as a self-declared millionaire, you must approved of such a policy to tax the poor?" - why would you think that? I would abolish direct taxation altogether, beloved of the left it punishes the poorest in society. We should take the bold step of becoming a big Monaco, all taxation indirect. We'd be richer than Norway.

The exact opposite of being fair & equitable.

//all taxation indirect//

Yes, and as we are no longer attached to that millstone known as the EU we could do this.

Indirect taxation with the taxation lower on British goods would get our economy shifting in no time.

//The exact opposite of being fair & equitable./

Which?  Direct or indirect?

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