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Pendleside Hospice Cd 7/9

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vonjon | 21:54 Wed 21st Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
12 Answers

film dingbats

3. Damn Do


Napoleon Bonaparte

Yuri Gagarin

Lothar Matthaus

Paul Anka

>Marvin Gaye<

Horatio Nelson

35. kitchen (written on the top row)

thanks for any help



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6 Odd man out? He's much taller than the rest.

35 Room at the top, suggested by Romanski.

3 'damn do' is an anagram of 'odd man' so I thought that one could be 'Oddman Out'

6 There is a film called "The Fifth Man" but I don't think it is well known enough to be the correct answer.

6 Might it be anything to do with nationalities?

The American??

6 The Fifth Element

The initial of each first name is used for chemical elements 

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Thanks to all who helped

17. Red rum (I'm made from iron and Desert orchid (with an arrow pointing at this horse) (l'm made from yew) 

31. L  E  G (with arrow pointed down on G and arrow pointing up on G

thank you

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17. Think I might have the answer = wooden horse?

31 Legend

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Omg Mallyh that was so easy when you see the answer 🙄😂

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written in top left corner with the words we're skint


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Pendleside Hospice Cd 7/9

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