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Your Neighbours- Are You Lucky Or Unlucky??

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Smowball | 18:02 Wed 21st Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
37 Answers

I live in a mid terrace house in a row of 7 houses. On one side is a divorced guy, at work most of the time, lovely guy who visits family mostly on his days off. On the other side is a lovely couple who are about 70 & have 3 adult sons. Youngest lives nearby with his wife & kids. Middle one is an ex-drug addict who is clean now, lives alone nearby & comes round to his parents every single day to spend the day there,in the garden if it's dry. He is on a medication which  makes him shout absolutely everything he says, don't know how or why but  it does, so every single word he says whether to them, or on fone, he is so loud he may as well be stood next to me. All day, every day. Eldest son is 50 & has Downs Syndrome - has never and will never leave home. Very outgoing man, heavily into dancing & announced last year that he was transgender (his exact words). Insists on putting on dancing performances several times a week in their garden for their family, along with music, and singing. When I go to get in the car he will often rush out to show me, or any visitor to my house, his latest handbag, or outfit, whether you want to see it or not, or are in a hurry or not lol. Next door but one are aged v late 40's with 3 boys  but still obsessed with trance music (think Ibiza rave 20 years ago!). Gets to about 5/6pm and then they put their music on . As loud as humanly possible!! Doof doof doof doof...!!!! For several hours, on and on and on..... plus the medicinal cigarettes that accompany them! Ahem.....

My point is that it is not quiet where I am - sitting in the garden for a peaceful afternoon does not exist, and that isn't me moaning at my neighbours - it's merely a statement. My MIL on the other hand said the other day that is it so so quiet where she lives that you can hear a pin drop! 
So what's it like where you live? And would you rather have a wacky selection of neighbours and their noises, or utter silence??



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Considering I live a mile from the city centre, its often quiet...very quiet here. I live in a little complex of maisonettes...3 buildings. 2 have 16 flats each and one with 8. I'll hear children playing...most live in the houses across from me.

My near neighbours all keep to themselves. One lady is heavily pregnant and her toddler sometimes goes tearing from one end of our upper floor walkway to the other...squealing and shrieking.

I think some people across the way in the other building have religious gatherings of some sort...I've heard them singing occasionally. A few dogs bark, but not as much as to be irritating. 

DIY fanatic next door. Eleven years he’s been banging and drilling etc. Not a bad chap, just thoughtless at times.

also far more traffic going past the house as 70 holiday lodges are now using the road for access.

Though it’s not as bad as some poor souls on this post.

Hell is other people.

I'd hazard a guess my neighbours are unlucky. 

I don't do any of what's been posted above.

But I'm a whinging old prick😒

Don't get me started on dogs that bark incessantly 😫 I'll never shut up, just like the neighbours bloody dogs!!

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lol @ 1ozzy.

We don't often get to choose our neighbours Smow, but we need to learn how to live next door.

And quite often that's a difficult lesson😡😫

Through the wall, psycho beach from hell, the other side, perfect since we moved in over twenty years ago.

I suppose the only good thing about the witch is that when she goes whoever follows will be better.

Cross yer fingers Doug, who knows wot yer next neighbour will be like🤣

I wish I lived somewhere without neighbours, they wouldn't have to suffer me and I wouldn't have to suffer them.

Does a perfect world exist?

Oz, Naomi seems to have the perfect place. Her only neighbours are horses. Ideal.

Good Morning,

My neighbours are all cows!

The ones with long eyelashes, huge tongues and the largest wet noses you have ever seen.

Horses aren't my 'only' neighbours, cloverjo - they're my nearest.  My neighbours either side are farmers whose houses are not close enough to create any problems for us whatever they might do.  Lovely people who we get on very well with.

A friend has terrible neighbours. He spends many nights away in his camper van just to avoid them. He would sell his house & move but he would have to declare the trouble he's had & the house would be hard to sell or much reduced in value.

Desperate situation.

My immediate neighbours have always seemed decent sorts. Although not all in the neighbourhood are the same.


I prefer silence but in a residential area, especially in terraced housing, but one has to expect and tolerate some things sometimes.  Houses don't tend to be a soundproof as would be ideal. And gardens certainly aren't.


(Although I do wish all parents took their responsibility seriously and taught their kids that squealing & screaming are not socially acceptable: and if it comes to that, I wish cat owners would provide their cats with dirt boxes, train them, and not just let them defecate in neighbours' garden borders, lawns, paths, vegetable plots, drives, etc. etc. etc..)

Yes, Smow, it usually starts at 10.30 p.m., just as I've got into bed. Last night it was later, 10.45 until 11.15 p.m..

jourdain, did you get your poem before you went ?


I'm pretty lucky, on one side I have an ex postman that lives alone in his late mums house. All he does is polish his two cars.

On the other side I have a professional couple with a grown up kid. I do hear a lot of music practice but as we are detached it's barely audible and never late anyway. They do like their waccy baccy and we often smell that but it's not a problem.

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