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Good Morning Early Thursday Birds…

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Smowball | 06:25 Thu 22nd Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
8 Answers

Woke up as the sun was rising, but have no intention of getting up and doing anything this early so just made a cup,of tea and brought it back to bed! Meant to be a pretty windy day today, and much cooler..... from 30 degrees to about 16 in just over a week lol. 
Was just reading about that super yacht that capsized & sank the other day, & that they've sadly found the wealthy owner & his 18 yr old daughters bodies in the wreckage on the sea bed :(. His poor poor wife, who was rescued - to lose both her husband & daughter in a split second. Doesn't bear thinking about.




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Morning Smow, a dreadful tragedy. 

I've been awake for hours, the badgers have been barking non-stop.  I went out to see if there was a problem but they seem okay.  Slunk away when they spotted me and started barking half an hour later.  No doubt they'll be sleeping soundly all day.

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Good morning Barry! I didn't realise that badgers made such a noise. My friend who lives about 5 mins away from me, in my town which is busy but does have quite a few fields, was having a coffee when she got up the other day & just looked out of her front window to see a deer stood in the field opposite her house. She managed to grab her fone and took some photos but it really looked beautiful, and then just scampered off. 

We have recently seen deer here too, the little muntjacs.  It's a tragedy really, they shouldn't be here as the environment isn't right but too much open land has been built on.

The blerdy ring necked parrakeets shouldn't be here, either, but they are.  Flipping things. 

The yacht accident was so sad, hoping it was just the weather as there is chatter about a hatch being left open.  it would be awful if one of the crew had that on their conscious, if they survived.

Hope you did not have to wait too long at the hospital yesterday for your tests.

I must move myself and get off to Sainsburys.

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Morning ubasses. Yes I hope to god it wasn't an open hatch or something - tho frightening just how quickly it sank.

An early Sainsburys trip hey. Must admit when I do drive to a local supermarket it's Sainsburys that I go to. Our nearest one is lovely - always parking spaces, no mental queues , it's just the right size - not a superstore and not one of the silly tiny ones. Just right lol.

Good morning Smow et al.
A lot cooler again today, and wind is blowing a hooley.
Son and family are visiting tomorrow for a few days, so just some last minute shopping to get in.Having my feet pampered this morning so I'd better get a shift on.
Have a good day 😀

Good morning smow and all. Quite windy here and it is trying to rain. Was given some windfall apples yesterday so I will sit and peel them to make apple sauce.Going for my annual eye test this afternoon, and I might treat myself to a new pair of glasses as these have not been the same since the arm came off. Somehow they are not straight even with the arm re-attached.

Morning all

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Good Morning Early Thursday Birds…

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