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Enigmatic Variations N0. 1655 By Skylark

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Matakari | 11:38 Mon 12th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
30 Answers

Good day, I’m attempting this one to see how much I can learn from Skylark’s technique. Thanks in advance for help for the following:

(PREAMBLE: In each clue, there is an extra letter which must be removed before solving. In order, these give two instructions: the second refers to an ASSERTION by the subject. CHAMBERS DICTIONARY ( 2016 ) is recommended.

2d Escorted, I start east to get worm-killing substance ( 10 ) : T??N?????E

3d Spoilt example covers shrub ( 4 ):  I???

4d Among stupid race, upset ( 4 ) A???

5d Abandoned in copse on vacation, cracks ( 6 ) C??C??

6d Sheltering in Scotland Government gasp, finally murmuring softly outside ( 8 ) S??K????

18d Displaying hat in tartan pattern with relish ( 10, 2 words ) : S?????????






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Matakari, you have mistakes in 19 and 42- this puzzle isn't going well!



Syrups ( wigs in Cockney)


I'm sure you'll work out some of the extra letters(+ words) now that you've been given a fair few answers.

Question Author

A struggle, but should be useful for future reference! A read over with some corrections leaves me with three to crack and three for confirmation. Many thanks in advance!

13a  Recognise lean driver’s no longer happier ( 7 ) : ?EERIE? 
11d  Completely over elevated poet (  4 ) : O??A
30d  Gentle welcoming Iceland’s thin woollen fabric ( 6 ) : ????SE

For confirmation:

39a  Scent after earl ploughed once ( 4 )  :   ERED
41a  Frugal drudging without linen ( 6 )     :  SAVING
36d  Chief cut short hard riot ( 4 )  : GOSH

36d Bos(s) = chief cut + H(ard)= Bosh (rot) ie the i in riot is the extra letter

41a correct -slaving - L

11d Olla = all o(ver) reversed, an olla is a pot, so the e in poet is the extra letter

3d Tamise(fabric etc) = IS(Iceland) inside "tame" (gentle) - The "I" in gentile is the extra letter

^^30d = tamise

For 13a  I have seelier, but cannot totally parse

for 9a I have the same, ered but don't understand why!

Question Author

Gratitude for the prompt and instructive help, jj109! I'll take a little rest now and come back later to accumulate the  extra letters.

13 is See, recognise, Lie, lean and R, river 

Matakari, glad our help proved so useful. With 20+ answers on this thread, you'll now have plenty of extra letters....

Matakari, the blog for this puzzle is now up (on fifteensquared). It's worth a look if you are serious about learning how to master the extra letters stuff, every one is listed. 

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Enigmatic Variations N0. 1655 By Skylark

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