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Fao - The K M Players

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seekeerz | 00:11 Sat 24th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers

Here are today's shaded clues for you-

13a of a plant's photosynthetic folio etc (4)

14a Word for a sudden audible nip, a snack or nibble, a ginger nut etc (4)

35d Word from the collective name of the three Wise Men, for something remarkable (5)

50d Activity or exercise such as a dalliance with fire when taking foolish risks, a drama, fun or gambling (4)



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00:16 Sat 24th Aug 2024





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Morning, haras, how are you ? Nice work unraveling those clues 😘

Thanks Seekeers 😃

Hope your  weather is better than mine !

Is 14s definitely snap? I was thinking bite.

bites mightn't be audible, snaps are

You're probably right jno, my thinking was that a nibble or snack was more of a bite.

Snap probably works better for the second part of the game.

Question Author

Pretty certain 'snap' is correct Mozz 

No worries, thanks Seekeerz. This is why I don't usually play this part of the game 😁

yes, I've not heard nibble = snap before.

I've also not heard that interesting word in the Best Answer panel before.

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There's a lot of things I've never heard of, in some of these clues, jno.

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Oh, you mean the lovely long 17 letter one 

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Fao - The K M Players

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