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Good Morning Late Saturday Birds!

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Smowball | 10:06 Sat 24th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
20 Answers

Well it's a soggy one here in London! Last nights weather report was dead accurate for a change! Woke up to pouring rain, daty, windy and downright yucky. Forgot to get the washing in lastnight so can see it blowing on the line  - grrrrrr! Luckily there isnt too much of it - will brave getting it in in a bit.

well clearly not a day for gardening or anything outside really lol, so what's everyone's plans for today? x



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Morning, Smow and all.

Will you re wash your laundry?

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Morning Barry. No lol, I will put it in machine and re-spin it all, as it's just some socks, pants, and a few other bits. If it had been a big load then yes I'd have brought it in and put on a v quick wash to re do it. 
what's your plans for today then?

Morning, if this rain ever stops we are off to the tip with a car full.  Bad few days, got home from Sainsburys Thursday to see Mr U in garage with tumble dryer in pieces. It's not repairable so in car now.  Yesterday hung the towels on the line as could not tumble, got back to find the clip that stops the line unravelling had broken and everything on the floor.  Mr U shortened the line, put everything back and the prop broke.  I am now waiting with bated breath in case the washing machine fails and completes the set.

Good Morning Smow et al.

I had planned to visit the library but downpour precludes that at present. No other plans, possibly a little housework but more likely to just potter through the day.

Morning Smow & all. Very wet here but the rain seemed to have stopped. Hubby & I gearing up for our morning walk then back to a full English brekkie!! 😁

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Morning ubasses - oh no, what a laundry nightmare! : (

canary - I was literally just saying to my MIL how I used to love going to our local library years ago, choosing my books then coming home with them. Then they moved it. Must try and get to the new one.

sharon - did someone mention a full English! Ohhhh I could really eat one right now lol.

It's clear and dry down this end of the country...the rain was here at about midnight onwards. 

My plans? Boring big house cleaning as daughter and her partner are coming down Friday night and it takes me forever to get proper cleaning done now. Joints and muscles get stiff. 

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Good morning pasta - how long are they coming to stay for?

Morning everybody. What I call "mizzly" here, ( a very light drizzle). I think this is a northern expression ~ I grew up in Manchester. Ironing and deep clean of the bathroom today. Smow, did you see my late post yesterday? I really think you would benefit from a TENS machine.

Just Friday through to late Sunday. They used to come on the bank holiday weekend but its too damn jammed here and the traffic is madness. The last time they came on a BA, it took almost 8 hours from London...normally under 5.

Morning lovelies,  sorting out spare room, making a bread  pudding and if I have time cleaning out the fridge and freezer.... Overcast here but might still have lunch on the balcony

Rowanwitch, as much love making cakes, the bread pudding I just cannot get right. The last one I made was flat as a pancake!!! My mum used to make fantastic bread puds, lots of spices, but I did not pay much attention.

How do you make yours, maybe I can learn where I'm going wrong.

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 Calda I did - I've never ever used a TENS machine but have looked at them before. Can you hire them or have to buy outright?

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My Nan used to make an amazing bread pudding. I can make a mean bread & butter pudding tho lol.

You can hire one (to use during labour), but I think that is not as powerful as an ordinary one. They are not that dear to buy, you can get a super one for less than £100. Perhaps other people can offer an opinion, as I haven't used one.

Saturday rituals: I have fried bacon and baked bread (delusions of domesticity). Now making up the grocery delivery order, then a bit of local (fruit and veg)shopping followed by the jumbo crossword. That's enough excitement for one day.

SharonA, recipe in food and drink...

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Calda - I will definitely look into that then, thanks.

impatiens - sounds like a pretty relaxed, chilled day.

rowan - think I'll sneak a little look at this recipe too : )

you can get TENS machines for 25 quid

I used to go the library ever Saturday morning but now I just download my ebooks and reserve them from 3 libraries.  Fabulous service.

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Good Morning Late Saturday Birds!

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