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Why Are Some People Just Really Bad At Driving?

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Tom9348 | 15:09 Sat 24th Aug 2024 | Motoring
16 Answers

Ok, so I don't mean dangerous drivers here, what I mean is people who take ages just to do a three point turn or any other basic manoeuvre (and not learners). For example, I remember being parked up on a car park and sitting in my car, a woman drove on in a car that was a small hatchback and she attempted to turn back round and go out the car park, honestly I was cringing watching her attempt to do it, she literally must have shunted this little car back and forth more than 10 times, and there were literally no obstacles in her way, she could have easily done it in two attempts. Also, I have literally just watched my grandad attempt to reverse his tiny corsa out the driveway and it took him ages because there was a car parked across the road. I kept telling him he needs to put his full left lock on until he gets out the driveway, but he just didn't he it and kept turning the wheel the wrong way. I drive a Jaguar which is obviously much bigger than his corsa and manage to get out of his driveway in one go even with a car parked over the road. I just don't get how people who have been driving for decades still don't know basic driving skills? 



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No spatial awareness 

Was she very old?

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Ladybirder- not really, probably mid 60s

Poor spatial awareness, lack of confidence 

I don't think it helps because cars have much poorer visibility than they used to have. I remember the Ford Cortina Mk 1 boasting it had something like 98% all-round visibility; nowadays airbags in the side pillars hinder visibility to the extent that I have to use the door mirrors when reversing mine.

I should have added that the streamlined shape of modern cars makes it more difficult to see where the front of the car is although, of course, many cars now have front/rear parking sensors.

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Bhg481- my grandad drives a 2004 corsa

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Bhg481- and I drive a 2009 Jaguar x type 

I've never even sat in a Corsa so I can't comment on the visibility although I would be surprised if it had side airbags and reversing sensors at that age and price bracket. I remember when I went from a 3-box car to a hatchback I had to keep reminding myself that there was "nothing" behind the back window when reversing.

Did the lady doing the three point turn (by the way, there is officially no such name in the UK) manage it without hitting another vehicle or person? If so, then I wouldn't say her driving was really bad. It might have annoyed you, but impatience is a major factor in a lot of road accidents. You should learn to be a little more thoughtful of others while in your very important Jaguar.

Sounds like a dozy mare to me.  60's isn't old nowadays, got to be at least 80 to qualify.

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Cjhorse- no, she was driving it as though she was trying to turn round a HGV, it wasn't that she was just taking her time, she genuinely looked like she was struggling 

When my mother in law came to our house, I used to have to turn her car round so she could drive away. She was hopeless at reversing.

Could have been ***.

I dated a bird a few years ago, and many a time I had to get out of the passenger seat  to park her car for her!? She'd been driving at the time for 20 years.

I shouldve added I usually had to reverse it into a parking space for her!!

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Why Are Some People Just Really Bad At Driving?

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