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Am I Too Old To Accept These So Called Singers, Mor Like Soft Porn Stars

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SparklyKid | 12:26 Sat 24th Aug 2024 | Society & Culture
12 Answers

facebook is full  pics of lada gaga and mylie cyrus.       did they  learn their genital grabbing routines watching michal jackson.



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Just scroll past.

I get ads for wide fit shoes and walk-in baths.

sounds like it, yes.

Aye, there's the rub

what's facebook?

Yep. You've lost your sparkle, kid.

I like Lady Gaga.  She's a good actress.  Very talented lady.

If you've got it, flaunt it. If you do haven't, please - for the love of God - don't ...


Come back P J Proby, all is forgiven πŸ˜€  πŸ˜€  πŸ˜€  πŸ˜€  πŸ˜€  (Oldies will know what I mean)

Sparkly; yes, you are too old. The urge has gone. Don't worry about it.

you sound .... exhausted, Sparko

well, Joe Marler, a not very pleasant rugby player grabbed another man's genitals, but not in a dance  routine, but a match

If you've got it, flaunt it. 

I think that was If you've got it, bump it with a trumpet ( Cheryl Majors)

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