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Palma (Mallorca)

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cameliaheartfelt | 23:25 Sun 22nd May 2016 | Travel
10 Answers
Any tips on visiting the city by the sea? Not doing the full beach thing.


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Wikitravel is well worth a read:
If you're lucky, Camelia there will be some sort of festival on......not always advertised...they just seem to happen so keep your eyes...and ears open...

Visit the fish and vegetable market and eat in the little cafe upstairs for a real local experience. You can buy your fish downstairs and they will cook it for you upstairs....
The Arabic Baths and Garden is well worth a visit.

A cab from the airport is really cheap and friendly....I wouldn't consider public

Do the open bus tour and visit cathedral, dont do a 'guided ' tour not worth the money and the guides only go to places they get a back hander, better to choose yourself .
Take the old train to Solar and the tram to the coast for lunch. We loved it
Really depends on how long you are going to be there. If it's only for the day then the hop on hop off bus and a trip to the Cathedral is good as you will see most of the city. A trip to Soller is really good, train and tram there and bus back but you need a full day to be able to do this or you will be clock watching all the time.
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Will be there for a week. Looked at trip to Soller, sounds fab. Not wanting to tour the island as such, interested to know if any actual hidden gems in the city itself or by the port, day or night. Thank you for all your comments so far.
If you are going for a week then you may well want somewhere else to go as Palma is not a big city. Most is walkable but the Hop on Hop off bus is a good idea to get to some of the out of the way places. The Soller and Port train leaves not far from the bus station in Palma and is a nice trip followed by a tram ride to the Port. As there are not many trains back from there in the afternoons the bus is a good option as they run more frequently.
Cathedral is a stunner.
Never been there and oddly enough, my wife suggested a late summer trip there only today. We would want to book a flight and a hotel separately from a package, can anyone suggest a nice hotel?
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Palma (Mallorca)

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