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Is It Labour's Plan To Save Money By Killing Off The Pensioners This Winter?

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ToraToraTora | 10:52 Sat 24th Aug 2024 | News
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We are pensioners.   Did not vote Labour.  Do NOT regret not  doing so. Buying blankets already.

Haven't you visited this little nugget a couple of times now?

Well when it was on the other foot Douglas it was relentless from the far left.

So it is our turn now.  Stealer Starmer and Robber Reeves seem to have it in for pensioners.  Pesky people often vote Tory I suppose to a few labour voters that get clobbered are just collateral.

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Funny how the lefties have disappeared lately, untitled, nicebloke, 10cs, etc etc Gromit's popping in now and again to get torn a new one!

I dont think Gromit has ever been a Labour supporter though, I might be wrong so appologies Gromit if I am.

"Well when it was on the other foot Douglas it was relentless from the far left."

let me ask you - did you enjoy that?  or did you think relentless = boring.  Did you ever get utterly fed up of how stupid people sounded saying "i told you so"?   did it ever, once make you think, "hey, they've got a pont"?


It's cynical to suggest it's their plan but they have created hardship for many of the most vulnerable and people will suffer.  Still, at least the already comfortable train drivers won't have to worry about paying winter fuel bills so it's not all bad news.  Up the workers!!

Clearly the ' simple headline rule' has yet to come into full force

also I note one Aber had taken it seriously....

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