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davebro3 | 07:26 Sun 25th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
20 Answers

clue: undefined

ans: goes the distance



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And you expect that clue to contain an explanation 🤣

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why bother posting if you can't give an answer?

Davebro3, which paper or magazine is the clue from? That's just in case it's one I might have seen.

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Sunday Express Crusader (today)

Well, I did give an answer Davebro.

The answer was just as cryptic as the question😒

Great clue🥱

A well written cryptic clue is supposed to contain an answer, within. The definition is either foremost or last.

Or so cryptic clues for dummies dot com tells me.


Ozzy, the answer is 'goes the distance' and davebro wants an explanation as to why.

Can you answer the OP?



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no doubt the "Crusader" xword will be forced to change it's name sooner or later!

I hope somebody parses it.  It's driving me up the wall

I can't figure it out.  

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maybe it's a misprint?

In my paper the clue is:
German writer socialist at heart like 13 stays.

13 is reserve = distance.
German writer = Goethe.

Thank you, Radagast.  That explains it.  :) 


Thanks, Radagast. The online version that I looked at had the clue exactly as davebro3 gave it.

Sorry, it doesn't the clue for me.  Why is 13 'reserve'?

The answer to 13 across is reserve.

Oh!  I thought it was some cryptic code that I knew nothing about.  Thanks again :) 

-- answer removed --

"undefined" is a possible value of a javascript variable. Clues usually start with a capital letter so this is most likely a javascript error.

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