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Travel Alert For France And Germany

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webbo3 | 12:29 Sun 25th Aug 2024 | News
14 Answers

Travel alert from whom, the far right? or the unmentionables.



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Isn't it depressing.

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Just an illustration of how, when you constantly bend over backwards you bite yourself on the butt and there's nobody else to blame.

Good old religion of peace eh!

We're travelling through Germany and France to England tomorrow week. Hmmmm! 

Take your pepoer spray ?

These random (?) acts of extreme violence are quite isolated. I wouldn't worry about travelling in Europe.

pepper spray is deemed to be an offensive weapon in some jurisdictions...

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We advise:

Exercise a high degree of caution in the UK due to the threat of terrorism.

Who from?

Well-dressed, sympathetic folk wishing to impoverish the aged while providing barracks for invading forces.

They identify through blue and red  banners.

"pepper spray is deemed to be an offensive weapon in some jurisdictions..."

Like for example here in the UK (Section 5(1)(b) of the Firearms Act, 1968).

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Travel Alert For France And Germany

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