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Bbc Quiz : Week 34

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Buenchico | 20:22 Fri 23rd Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
29 Answers

It's definitely not a good week quiz-wise this week.!


Firstly, there seems to be a problem with the junior quiz, so we can't have a go at that. 😕


Secondly, I could only manage a wholly pathetic ONE out of seven in the grown-ups' quiz:


Some of you might find this quite entertaining though!
(I scored FIVE out of eight)



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Roald Dahl... 🙄 I went by one of his famous books for one of them. Wrong

Main: 4/7
August guess game: 5/8


Question Author

Impressive scores, Arky!

Well done!



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Better luck next week, Kwillmott!

(Thanks for keeping me company on the main quiz though!)

5/7 and 5/8 - i misead the birthstone question and actially managed to guess the only incorrect one.

Question Author

Well done, Ken!

Cracking good scores from you this week!

2/7 in the adult. At least not bottom of the class, just! Didn't do the other one.

Question Author

>>> " At least not bottom of the class"

There's no need to rub it in, 10CS! 😊

I know Chris, but it's usually me that's down there! 😄

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Bbc Quiz : Week 34

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