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Have I Heard This Right?

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nailedit | 12:23 Thu 22nd Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
7 Answers

Police woman says that it wouldnt be fair to treat everyone the same at a migrant hotel protest.

Listen from 22:00




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How long should we listen?  That's a long video.

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Start @ 22:00. Only take a minute.

I listened for a few minutes from 22.00.  I don't think the policelady said that but  I'll listen again.

I think she said they treat everyone the same.  

She said different protestors should be policed differently. She was at a peaceful demonstration. If she was at one with stone and bottle throwing thugs attacking her, or vandalising police cars and attempting arson, then the 'softly softly' approach would not be appropriate.

Oh maybe that's what Nailedit meant.  I was listening for her saying that opposing sides are not treated the same.

What sort of person would want to protest at a migrant hotel anyway? The people there have already been through all sorts of suffering and dangers.

Walk your dog, wash your car, watch a football match. In other words live your life and dont hassle vulnerable people

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