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Labour Donor Quits Treasury Role Amid ‘Cronyism’ Claims

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naomi24 | 13:00 Sun 25th Aug 2024 | News
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//A Labour donor has stepped down from his role as a civil servant at the Treasury, while the party comes under fire for granting a No 10 pass to another, as ministers deny they are giving preferential treatment to their funders.

Ian Corfield has resigned as an official to the chancellor, Rachel Reeves, the Sunday Times reported this weekend, becoming a temporary unpaid adviser instead after days of controversy over his role.

The paper also revealed that Waheed Alli, one of Labour’s biggest fundraisers, had been given full access to Downing Street, where he organised a post-election garden reception for others who contributed to the party’s campaign.

Pat McFadden, the Cabinet Office minister, said on Sunday he did not think Lord Alli still held a pass, but could not say why he had been granted one in the first place.//


Cronyism - who'd a thought Labour could ever be accused of such shenanigans?  And just a couple of months in too.  



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They just can't help it, can they....


(couldn't resist)

Bribes have to be repaid. 

It transpires Waheed Alli has given SKS £16,000 worth of suits.


Can you imagine the outcry if the Tories allowed unfettered access to No 10 to somebody who donated £500k to Labour and £16k of suits? There'd be many on the AB left who would be skipping to their keyboards with glee to pile in...these same people are remarkably quiet. The difference is, those of us on the right would condemn this regardless of the hue of the Government, but because its Labour those on the left are schtum.


Funny that.

They're only in office a few weeks.  Give them time to find their feet.

Yep the lefties have all gone quiet lately. Could it be a case of "be careful what you wish for"?

Remember how layboor were  hyper sensitive about percieved Conservative cronyism? Starmer gleaned votes from the gullible with promises to preside over a "new age of ethical government". Starmer rightly now stands accused of doing more than the Tories ever dared to stuff Whitehall with his cronies. The details of the accusations vary — and the sense is that there are more cases to come. But the basic pattern is clear. Labour advisers and donors have been directly appointed by ministers to civil service roles, several of them quite senior, under a process that bypasses normal appointment procedures.
One of them, Ian Corfield, has now stepped down to become an unpaid adviser instead, no doubt shamed to let himself be sullied by the left wing machinations. Meanwhile Starmer’s biggest personal donor has been handed a No 10 pass, for reasons Downing Street is refusing to explain. More blatant examples of ruining what is left of our precious democracy, on top of the 2 tier law and order processes. Be afraid  ... be very afraid. 

With thanks to Robert Colville @The Times. 


7.39pm - it may only be a few weeks, but it's clear already they're going to be a disaster.


They've already proved they're happy with cronyism, they've already surrendered to their union paymasters, they're taking away the WFA (having previously, in parliament, had a go Sunak about it) they're going to rubber stamp illegals, and then tell us they've solved the problem, they've lied about the so called 'black hole', they're shaping up for big tax increases in October...basically it is fundamentally clear already that they are not fit for Government.


The only silver lining is that they'll be a one term Govt.

In fact the article should be available to all. This should beat the paywall.

Labour vowed to end cronyism. Unless they’re Labour cronies (

The tech on this site is archaic. 

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