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Guardian 29470

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Griceratnumber9 | 20:12 Sun 25th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
11 Answers

Just about there except for three. 46 across: -l-

53 across: -k-

68 across: -r-l-e

Any help appreciated.



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Are they all unclued items?

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Okay thanks. Is the a theme then, please?

Unless the answers are proper nouns then there aren't many possibles for 68a-  grille, grilse, brulee are all that spring to mind.

53, Ski ?

46a - a band

68a (2,4) + 53a - a song by them

53 could be IKE if it's nicknames of Presidents, or eke, ski, sky, ska if it's something else

Thanks, got those now lie in king, came to me out of the blue

Wait & see if Gricer gets it before saying, nma.


Question Author

Thanks lie in. Got it. Many thanks.

Glad I could help 😊

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Guardian 29470

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