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Just For Fun!! Write A Sentence From An Advert………!! Doesn’t Matter How Old.

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Smowball | 15:19 Sun 25th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
196 Answers

I'll start! Try and guess before you see the name of the ad below the line, although you could be a bigger tease and not name the ad at all and see who guesses it..... : )

"They're tasty,tasty, very very tasty, they're very tasty! "



Kellogs Bran Flakes!




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Smow, I think that was "Tell 'em about the honey, mummy".

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lol Togo. 

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Ah yes WW - I was close lol.

What should it have been then?


So many jokes about Sucking on a 'Fisherman's friend' I can't actually remember the tag line.

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Khandro - funny that they used to advertise cigarettes.

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Fishermen's friends - were they those vile sweets??

Cough lozengers Yes:

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Ever tried them??

Yep I sed to hate them as a kid... not so bad as an adult if a bit chesty.


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Do they still sell them?

I'm not sure to be honest, I order Halls mentholyptus these days:


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Oh I think I've tried those. Think my tongue went numb lol!

I gave one to an Ex girlfriend many years ago, it took about 30 seconds before she started gagging looking for somewhere to spit it out.
I definately have a Darkside cos it were funny!

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They certainly are vile lol!

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Just For Fun!! Write A Sentence From An Advert………!! Doesn’t Matter How Old.

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