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So Now We Have A Muslim Labour Crony With The Keys To No 10....Right Oh!

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ToraToraTora | 08:51 Mon 26th Aug 2024 | News
6 Answers

I must confess I never thought Labour would get so sleazy so quickly.



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Reminds me of Derek (Dolly) Draper and Tony Blair's government and sleaze breaking out very quickly.

Meet the new government,same as the last government.This new Labour government didnt take long too being a bunch of sleaze merchants(jobs for the boys), just like the last Tory government was.

Oh, is THIS the guy with the snack bar?

Is his being a Muslim relevant?

What's the name of the Russia who now has a seat on the red benches?  I think it was Cameron helped put him there.

The more I see of political parties the more I agree with the adage: They're two cheeks of the same ar§e.

He's Olegup Bytory, Sandy.

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So Now We Have A Muslim Labour Crony With The Keys To No 10....Right Oh!

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