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*102 year old

Why has the man got a helmet on, but the 102 y o lady hasn't?

You wouldn't get me up there, and I'm only 50 something. 

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She didn't want a helmet to mess her hair up 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 

If I reach 102, I'll give it a go.

I have flown in many types of aircraft from gliders (which I am qualified to fly solo) through a Spitfire (which I did for a "special" birthday), a Jet Provost, a Hawker Hunter to  a Mach 2 BAC Lightning (and lots in between). I will fly in just about anything because I love it, However, I have two firm rules: 

1. I will not fly in anything unless I can sit down (so no paragliding, parascending or hot air ballooning).

2. The only time I would jump out of (or eject from) an aircraft is if it is on fire or similarly fatally disabled. 

All credit to the 102 year old, But I believe jumping out of an aircraft unnecessarily is foolhardy.

I saw this - good for her!! More nerve than me lol.

I agree with New Judge. Nothing could persuade me to jump out of a perfectly serviceable aircraft. Even if I were strapped to Daniel Craig.

Daniel Craig - hmmmm, maybe he could help with my nerves! ; )

no reason why you shouldn't sit down under a hot air balloon, all it takes is a second mortgage

Crikey, Jno.  We bought my father a hot air balloon flight for his 65th birthday (well it was for 2 since mum went too). I don't remember it being very expensive - although we did provide the launch site for it and 2 subsequent unrelated flights. I was surprised at how big the basket was and could easily have fitted several more people. But why would you want to sit? Surely the views must be a big part of it?

That allows for disabled people to have a go at hot air ballooning too.   It is a lot cheaper if it is a bigger basket with more people, around £90 an hour 

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Plucky 100 Y O Lass . . . .

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