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The Magnificent Seven Anonymous Moderators.

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sandyRoe | 06:54 Mon 26th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
13 Answers

They do their good work shielded from the glare of publicity.

Will you join me in thanking them for their service?



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I am sure they are doing their best!
18:22 Mon 26th Aug 2024

Stop fishing for compliments 

Shouldn't this be under Jokes?

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I'm sure a helpful Mod will move it.


Did you mean The Secret Seven, Sandy?

Predictable and somewhat dated.

they are not exactly secret anyway.

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There are some brazen ones who aren't afraid to show the headmaster/headmistress side of their character.  And then the 7 others who enjoy doing good works by stealth.

No. I remember the original purpose of these anon mod accounts was to come in and explain sensibly and fairly why something was removed or closed in order to calm the waters and help the aggrieved understand what they'd done wrong. Most of what I see they post is remarks made worthy of victorian school teachers who take great satisfaction in putting others down or wielding a cane. 

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Power corrupts and absolute power...

especially raving-mod who is TCL he just uses it to pick on those he doesn't agree with.

^^^he ballsed-up yesterday, and instead of admitting it he doubled-down and deleted whole threads. Not a good look.

I am sure they are doing their best!

That could be the problem.

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