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Silver Chain

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bednobs | 16:24 Sat 24th Aug 2024 | Home & Garden
12 Answers

hi i have a silver (real not coloured) chain that's looking a bit dull.  how can i restore it to its shininess?



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Give it a Gin bath

Or Vodka bath.

You can buy silver (and gold) jewellery dips from Jewellery shops. Drop the bracelet into the basket and leave for the recommended d time. 

First try washing it , a drop of washing up liquid in warm water. Rub gently between your hands rinse then dry really well.

Then use a Goddards silver cloth  running the chain through the folded cloth. Finish with a plain soft cloth ( old cotton pants are brilliant )

Failing that a jar of silver dip and a rinse and dry.   Quite often chains are just dulled with a layer of oil from your skin.   


That sounds a long-winded way rowan.  Drop it in Gin or Vodka and it's done in a couple of minutes.

I find wearing silver keeps it shiny

I wouldn't waste booze, but also doing it properly makes it stay bright a lot longer. ( grandad was a silversmith.) 

Rowan I have the same drop of vodka used for many years over and over again.  Gold doesn't suit me so my jewellery is either Silver or Platinum.

good afternoon 

Clean it with toothpaste and a soft brush 

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i think mine is oil - i had a facial that included oil on my shoulders and neck.

We use Goddard cloths, too.  Very satisfying

Silver dip sorts anything silver out in seconds. I have a jar of if I've had for more years than I can remember and it still does the job.

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