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The K M Links Game - August 2024 Week 4 And Final Results

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seekeerz | 02:03 Mon 26th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers

Good morning everyone - our weekend did a complete 180 on Sunday name it, we had it ....well almost !! Gales, rain, thunderstorms, huge hail, then the rain and winds it just looks like someone who's had a pretty rough night !!

The links were much the same -

Leaf Cutter

Brandy Snap

Magic Marker

Play Pens

Two lots of Bonus Points were awarded....LADY JO for Leaf Cutter and JOOLZ for Play Pen, four players selected Brandy Snap and Magic Marker went unloved.

The traffic jam at the top of the Leaderboard was not affected in any way'll just have to sort out the 👑 between you ....




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Question Author

6 points - andres, Arksided, Mrs Glarus, Muzz and Sam1960.

5 points - wildfish.

4 points - jobjockey, modeste, Mozz71, Patsy33, roslyn251254 and SharonA.

3 points - anikomo, brizzer, CricDram, Doof45, haras2, Joolz, Lady Jo, MargoTester, and weecalf.

2 points - sadielady and teacher1.

1 point - abi77, cashier, Chiefpanda, cliffyg, elliemay1, Fibonacci, Glarus, JJ109, johnnie5, jollyroger66, karamia, scorpiojo, tearinghair and toaster.

So Congratulations to all the intrepid points scorers for this month ....yours truly and a select little group will be organising a stocktake of the hobnobs  for now.

Next week sees the start of a new month, a nice long at that, till then take care, stay safe, Cheers Steff 😘😘

Hurrah to us!

Thanks, Steff.

Hope the weather improves.

I must have been a good cleaner when last here - I've been invited back - thanks Steff - I'll bring chocolate hobnobs for a special treat 😋 x

Well done those who made it out 🏃 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♀️  .......

Thanks Steff  


Well done to the other joint winners. And well done to everyone who managed to get their names on the score board.


Thanks for all you do Steff, It's much appreciated   xx



Yes well done Sam, and fellow winners. It's being a few years since I won the month so happy to share.

Well done to all point scorers have a little chortle to yourselves of those not on the list.

Thank you SeekeerzXx

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The K M Links Game - August 2024 Week 4 And Final Results

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