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Law Change + Knife Amnesty.....

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ToraToraTora | 13:20 Mon 26th Aug 2024 | News
27 Answers

It seems a bit unclear. I have a "Rambo" knife from the 80s and I have an ornamental Samuria sword. The latter is on a stand for decoration and the former is a survival knife I used to use a lot camping and climbing etc. Do I have to give those in?



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Within the toolbox in the boot of my car, I’m pretty sure I have one of those plastic ‘box cutter/craft knifes’ that have snap-off blade sections (for when it becomes blunt) which includes a lock function.


If the Old Bill were to ask why I had such a knife, I could reel off 10s of uses for the knife.  It would not be much use in a fight, if a blade section became broken off I’d have to ask the person I was attacking to wait while I unlocked the knife, extended a new blade section and locked it again.

you should have a defence - proper knife in proper place

EVEN if you are a wood chopper you cant keep an axe under the front seat of a car

I’m pretty sure there was a case where a driver had a similar knife in the boot of their car – when questioned by the police as to why he had the knife, he gave (could give) no reason – so they nicked him for having the knife.

We have a knife my dad brought back from abroad during the war. It's in a leather sheath and looks really nasty if a bit rusty. Maybe we ought to turn it in now as we don't want it but didn't know what to do with it.

I took 2 pangas to Rochdale police station today and dumped them in the knife bin. My brother brought them back from Belize in 1977, when he was in the Army. They are quite ornamental actually. I'm sure they could do lots of damage. But not any more!

I have an Original Royal Marine Commando Knife. But, As I was once a Royal Marine......I’m keeping my knife. 

As with the gun laws, only the law abiding will take notice, the criminals will just go about their business as usual.

Until harsh sentences are dished out for carrying and stop andn search rolled out big time it wont stop, but then Plod are not allowed to do stop and search as it migh offend some communities.  It's a joke.

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