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Scattering Your Ashes

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Vagus | 19:45 Mon 26th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
37 Answers

Due to Svens death and reading about where he wants his ashes scattering, have you given any though to where you'd like yours scattering?

Weve done it for four family members, very discreetly, not officially, but exactly where they wanted, mostly sadly and and soberly, but on one occasion quite 'Monty Python'.



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Always wanted my ashes to be scattered on The Buachaille Etive Mor (Stob Dearg) in Glencoe, but realise due to the ages etc, of remaining family members, the idea would probably be impractical.

A realistic compromise would be somewhere in the huge estate, where the hospital I was born in is.


A direct copy-&-paste from my will:
"I desire that my body be cremated without ceremony and that my ashes be disposed of, also without ceremony, in any convenient refuse receptacle."

A friend of ours asked that his ashes he scattered in Sainsbury's alcohol aisle.  He said that way at least he'd know his wife would visit him regularly,

A friend of mine wants his scattered off a mountain in Scotland and I am the executor. I may not do it myself, but I'll do my best to ensure that if he goes first, his wish will happen - I have called him many names for this since I am not sure I can drag my sorry carcass up a mountain.

My wishes are that my ashes are scattered in three places dear to me.  But I'm not too bothered because those are just the mortal remains.

Which mountain  Barmaid ?

Ben Cruachan. I've said I might manage Ben Lora (not a mountain but close and still v dear to us)

I'd prefer for the ashes not to be retained to be honest. 

Know it well Barmaid, but not one that I've climbed. It's in a lovely part of the country. And was always part of my "to do list"

I always said I wanted my ashes mixed with my Mum's and made into a firework so we could go off together🎇 . I then had a change of heart and my Mum's ashes are buried in a beautiful pot with an evergreen tree and I would like the same for me

Wheelie bin will do fine.

My ashes will be scattered on top of Pendle Hill at a spot already chosen. I've instructed my children that they should choose a nice, windless day to do the job as i don't want to run the risk of a strong wind carrying me into Yorkshire. 😬


Cremation must be very wasteful of energy - does the Green Party have a policy on it? A forest burial would seem to be a better end. Composting corpses may be a future method of disposal but it takes time & specialist equipment.

Apart from the fact that I get very seasick I think "lost at sea" would be a good way to go - consumed by the fishes.

Or by birds as in Himalayan celestial "burials".

or they could feed me to the lions at Longleat....

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A sky burial would be my first choice Dave, but as that's unlikely to happen then cremation will have to do the job. I doubt the neighbours would relish the idea of a rotting corpse hanging from our laburnum tree...😉

Cheapest coffin available, scatter me on the garden, any garden anywhere.

Off the cliffs of Los Gigantes (if I'm allowed)

Maybe mixed with a bit of rock salt and used on the back step of an icy morn.

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