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Countdown Goodie Bag

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10ClarionSt | 15:42 Mon 26th Aug 2024 | Film, Media & TV
16 Answers

Don't the losers get a goodie bag anymore? They never mention it. I've got a Countdown clock that my sister gave to me. She got it off a friend of hers called Chris who was a series champion, about 15 years ago. More cost cutting from C4?



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They may have had to divert funds to pay for pensioners fave and fake jollity exponent Colin.

Surely he wasn't a loser then?

I didn't win 15 to 1.

Should I have got a goodie bag?

Do you know the price of Custard creams these days... ok more associated with Richard and Carol but it's tradition.

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Thanks for the replies folks. No, he wasn't a loser but Countdown were more generous with "the goodies" in those days. 15 to 1 never had a goodie bag to begin with, whereas Countdown did, but they don't now!

Gypsy creams, Arksided

15-1 sent you a photograph with Bob surrounded by that days contestants.

^. They also gave you 40 or 50 quid to help with expenses.

15-to-One provided travel expenses and a hotel if needed.  All contestants got a photo with WGS (not 'Bob'!) and everyone who got to a Grand Final received a memento - in my case a decanter from Asprey

Barry, Happy to be corrected when it comes to biscuits.

I'll be amazed if they're still called that though.

😮 I hope they keep that under wraps... a certain group will have a field day moaning about that one.

That could be what the airtight tin is for.

There is nothing wrong with the word 'gypsy'.  Gypsy skirts, tops and earrings are still sold, you can hire a gypsy caravan complete with horse, Appleby Horse fair is described as the biggest gypsy fair in Europe.


We i'm offended for them and duly going to kick up a fuss, and being victimised by not being represented.

Gypsies have a right to biscuits too

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