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Smart Meters

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dwil | 13:56 Tue 27th Aug 2024 | Home & Garden
28 Answers

I know electricity companies are desperate to install smart meters. When they say your meter has reached the end of its life and they need to replace it with a new one. Is this a ploy or will my meter suddenly stop working?



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They will be compulsory soon but ive avoided them up till now.

My sister had one that was faulty and ended up £££'s in debt.

I don't need one I just pay the bill they give me. The main benefit is not having to do meter readings myself or have some spotty oink shove his loaf under my kitchen sink to do it.

That's really interesting Barry. The only money it's saved us is charging the car, we've not bothered monitoring all our appliances.

I agree with TTT. 

Like most things, there will always be scare stories and people who will never like the idea of them but I believe smartmeters are here to stay and are a good thing.

Out of curiosity, don't smart meters need an internet connection to work???

no - they work on the mobile phone network

Thanks dave 😃

My dumb meter cost me a lot of stress and a lot of money when it stopped working properly.  Took me over 12 months to get it resolved, with the help of the Ombudsman and I'm still a few hundred pounds out of pocket.

At least with a smart meter I can easily see if it goes haywire without emptying the glory hole and scrabbling on my hand and knees to read the meter.  

//without emptying the glory hole//


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