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Funny How We Have To Let Murdering Scum Out.....

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ToraToraTora | 09:54 Tue 27th Aug 2024 | News
12 Answers

...Yet we can always find room to lock up those that protest at the islamification of our country.



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they'll be back...

So much for the government statement that violent offenders were not eligible for early release

Chairman Starmer is well on the way to a totalitarian State, woe betide anyone who is slightly to the right of Stalin, jail for you especialy if you write it on social media.




Two years for manslaughter (although how that turned out to be the verdict when it was about gang feuds, is rather puzzling) ?


Makes a mockery of justice, IMO.

"Lawson Natty, 18, was sentenced to two years eight months for manslaughter in March, alongside Carlos Neto, also 18, but Natty's release has been brought forward under government rules to deal with overcrowding."

He's not a murderer, is he?

As for the protests, they included rioters, arsonists folk assaulting the police and looters.

 "All offenders released on licence are subject to strict conditions and we do not hesitate to recall them to custody if they break the rules."

Where are they going to put them then? They were released because there is no space to keep them. No doubt they will release one of the people who have more recently gone inside who they were let out to accommodate!

As for the protests, they included rioters, arsonists folk assaulting the police and looters.

It also includes people who were acting a bit knobheadish.

We now have paedophiles not going to prison because the cells are full.

A massive stain on the reputation of the country imo.

"All offenders released on licence are subject to strict conditions and we do not hesitate to recall them to custody if they break the rules."


If we could just, for the sake of truth and accuracy, pop 'in theory' in after 'are' we'll be fine.

//It also includes people who were acting a bit knobheadish.//

Yes and they are the problem, the other lot deserve to be locked up.

and just where is he going to put the majority of the country that don't agree with immigration and the one's who speak out

read this elsewhere - not verified:

//We are importing a city bigger than Sheffield every year, and populating it with third world migrants.

Sheffield currently has 5 major hospitals, 2 major trauma centres, 150 doctor surgeries, 211 dentist surgeries, 300,000 cars and over 2000 miles of road. Not to mention the housing & 200 schools to boot.

That’s what we need to build, every year, just to stand still.//

Net migration in 2023 was 685,000 and 2022 was 764,000 and the population of Sheffield is 745,000, so the average for the two years isn't that far off Sheffield's population, so whilst the information in your post isn't verified davebro3, common sense dictates importing 700 odd thousand a year must have an impact on resources and infrastructure.

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