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Teetering On The Edge Of A Massive Black Hole.

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sandyRoe | 16:10 Tue 27th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
19 Answers

Are you prepared to tighten your belt, grit your teeth, and put your shoulder to the wheel, in order to help our PM right the wrongs inflicted on  our economy and society by the last government?



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Someone has been listening to Keir Jong Un's Jackanory again!

Will we have a choice? The previous governments were still trying right the wrongs of the last thirteen years of Labour.

Easy solution to help plug the Black Hole....

Suspend foreign aid and save £12 billion a year.

Free up prison spaces ....

Deport the 12% of prisoners who are not from the uk back to the shitholes they come from.

Sorted 👍


To all the mugs that voted Labour ...suck it up lol

"Please keep Chatterbank free of political discussion and news. There are other sections...'

No option buddy - if you can't buy yourself expensive accountants & lawyers (or you're happy to live on generous state handouts) you'll be made to stump up - like it or lump it.

Pants down & bend over!😱

sandyRoe, I'll ask the Ed to move this to a more appropriate section.

@davebro - Or do what I did when taxes consumed too much of my income ....I left the uk and worked in Switzerland where I paid 15% tax (including NI and council tax equivalent) on a six figure income. It was the only way I could save for retirement rather than funding others who didn't want to work.

I really need to go through my bank statement to see where my money goes.

If I had to pay housing costs I don't think I could manage.

I would be forced to get a job.😂

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I believe the tax burden will fall on those with 'broad shoulders ' and not the 'ordinary workers'.

After the cavalier behaviour of Boris isn't it nice to have an austere puritan at the helm?

Do austere puritans wear expensive suits and hair gel?

Yes, on the shoulders of pensioners (private and state) rather than workers - paying NI on pensions (even if aged 90) is an obvious one to me, also loss of free prescriptions for anyone who doesn't get benefits or pension credit, stopping state pension for anyone with a good private pension (say 30000 pa), loss of pension tax free lump sums, inheritance tax increases.

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Weren't those expensive suits a gift from an admirer?

Who would want the 2nd most important man in the realm looking like Michael Foot?

The dire state is mostly down to covid and Putin.

Not down to covid but the reaction to covid.

 A well-mannered puritan might say no thank you to the offer of natty outfits so as not to set himself too far apart from the citizenry, he's not an Italian fop.

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Isn't there s saying about parliamentary scandals?

With Tories it's sex, with Labour it's money.

That might be true.

It's been a long time since Starmer knew hardship and his family were never short of money. Now he's rich, he has less idea of how life is for the ordinary working class. 

I've never thought of Sir Keir as a socialist. Instead I suspect he thought he had more chance of the top job with Labour than the Tories.

He was right.

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