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T W A U ... The Chase....

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ToraToraTora | 17:39 Tue 27th Aug 2024 | Film, Media & TV
12 Answers

Q: On google maps what traffic light colour denotes a road with no traffic delays?

A: Blue!




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I know one shouldn't mock such people, but I'm afraid I just can't stop laughing at that.

Well, traffic light colours these days are red (or dark orange sometimes), amber, and blue.

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green amber red are traffic light colours, where have you seen any other colours on the roads?

Weird question. No traffic delays that's a new one for me. What is the answer??

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The answer is obvious and irrelevant,  it's the silly answer given that provides the comic fodder here.

What if they were colour-blind?

Everywhere. Have you not looked at traffic lights recently ?

What really irks me is when the contestant doesn't even guess .... especially when there aren't that many options.

2 that I can remember, which I think were from today, although I can't remember the full question:

What continent is ..... ?

Answer: pass

What currency is used in .... (European country, I think it was Switzerland)?

Answer: pass


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OG: "Everywhere. Have you not looked at traffic lights recently ?" - yes everywhere, they may be different shades but they are still known as red, amber green, even if you are blind, let alone colour blind.

As you get older the ability to differentiate between blue and green lessens.

Was the competitor an older person?

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21:11 irrelevant the colours are red amber green it was not a picture question.

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may as well have said what colour means go?

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T W A U ... The Chase....

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