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Just Eating Ice Cream

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naomi24 | 16:13 Tue 27th Aug 2024 | Food & Drink
16 Answers

Carte D'Or Madagascan vanilla - and very nice it is too.  Favourite flavours?



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Nothing comes even close to the quality of Haagen Dazs ice-cream for me, certainly not Carte D'Or - my favourite flavour is Vanilla Caramel Brownie and their Vanilla tastes like homemade (unlike anyone else's).


Agree Prudie, nothing to beat it.

Anytime that I visit Blackpool  (OK, its not everyones cup of tea but i like it)  there's an ice cream parlour on the sea front that has the biggest range of flavours that ive ever seen. And it seems that every time I go they have added more flavours. Always aim to try a different one each time 😁

Praline and cream Häagen-Dazs although I'm guilty of excavating a tub, digging out the praline and leaving the rest to OH.

Mackies (Scotland) Vanilla or Salted Caramel
If in a cone, pistachio flavour.

Have a look at this Naomi.


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I'd try it.  Green & Black ice cream is good too.

Bailey's used to make an ice cream (maybe it was Häagen-Dazs that made it) - I used to like that with warm mince pies.  That was my favourite.

My wife likes Kelly's Cornish clotted cream ice cream.

Kelly's ice cream for me - Elton Mess flavour if I can get it. One of the advantages of living near a seaside town. 

Elton Mess?! 🤣

Eton Mess

kelly's clotted cream vanilla

Norwegian Krokan - to die for..... 😋

Ben & Jerry's Phish Food- please try it if you haven't already- it's a corker!

Kelly's clotted cream, strawberries and cream, or raspberry ripple

Or almost anything from the Henley ice cream shop 

Norfolk lavender from an ice cream shop in Sheringham ( much nicer than you might think really rich and creamy )


Oh yes and I agree with spungle Phish food is great, I love the little chocolate fish 

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