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The Pm Wants The Best People......right Oh!

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ToraToraTora | 22:32 Tue 27th Aug 2024 | News
4 Answers long as they have donated enough to the party then they get a key to No 10!



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'A researcher at a Labour-linked think tank has also been recruited into a senior Civil Service role, as has a former consultant at a lobbying firm that paid for her to be seconded to the office of Technology Secretary Peter Kyle when Labour was in opposition.

It is understood all three were hired under a fast-track route that can be used to employ taxpayer-funded officials in certain circumstances, such as when they have “highly specialist” skills or are being hired for short-term roles.

So-called "exceptions" to the normal rules have been granted more than 100 times in the past year.'

How many of the 100+ were hired by the Tories, I wonder?

If it's cronyism, then tough.

After 14 years of watching the Tories funnel billions of tax payers money to their mates and not being too bothered about it, you'd better get used to being bothered about it.

Why does a multi-millionaire need £16,000 worth of suits  given to him? Surely he, and his supporters on here, must see that getting £16k of suits when any pensioners earning more than £11k a year will lose their WFA is not a great look.


I accept it's a false equivalency see, but I'm looking at it purely from an optics stance.

And the two far-lefties above think its fine!

Labour and its far left supporters have been bashing (rightly) the Tories for years so how come its now all good because Labour are doing it?

Labour sleaze - and only a few weeks in to boot.

We are going to Hell in a hand cart over the next 5 years.

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The Pm Wants The Best People......right Oh!

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