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Invasion Of Privacy

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nailedit | 15:46 Tue 27th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
23 Answers

Anyone else hate having strangers in their home?

Being a council tenant, I have to have a tenancy 'audit' once a year. Had one this morning, whereby a council official visits, asks loads of questions and looks into every room of my flat to check that all is well.

I hate it. Feel like my right to privacy is invaded.



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I don't think they have the right to enter in law but it's probably in the tenancy agreement somewhere.

ys of course they do -  chrissakes. It has to be in the lease. The inspection should be with notice - 9-5 and not week ends, and the emergency entry ( fire flood)  is obviously without notice.

One tenant allowed the police in because of allegations he had been photographing the house one after next ( He was no 1, allegations from no 5). It should have taken 20 s ( only possible if you hover 40' above the garden.) In fact he took 45m to pore over the CCTV. Obvious fishing expedition. It MIGHT have been that he cdnt believe the allegations were obviously untrue

Any strangers have to be supervised

Even tho I'm a pretty outgoing person I also loathe having people in my home. I hate having tradespeople in to do anything as I  feel I can't  get on with anything and just end up 'hovering' until they have gone.

When I was younger I found having workmen in the house quite satisfying and representing progress. Now I can't wait for them to go away.

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