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Fancy A Cheap Luxury Holiday In Cyprus?

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Hymie | 13:54 Mon 15th Jan 2024 | Travel
11 Answers

How much would you expect to pay (based on 2 persons) for a 3 week stay in a 5* hotel (2 weeks full-board and 1 week B&B), including flights and transfers?


Make a guestimate based on the cost of flights, and the cost of a 5* hotel/night multiplied by 20.

My guestimate is £300 for the flights (2 persons) and being a cheapskate £100/night (in a 5* hotel on the above basis) = total of £2,300 (for 2 persons).

But the actual cost is from £1,398 from Mercury Holidays.


Of course this offer is from, and the third week at that price is date dependent.  There is also no single traveller supplement (subject to conditions), the hotel in question is the Radisson Beach Resort in Larnaca.

I’ve holidayed with Mercury a few times, even going to Australia with them (but they don’t seem to offer holidays to that destination anymore).

The above is just one example of their available holidays; available destinations include Malta, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Morocco, the Maldives, Sri Lanka, India, Barbados, Thailand and more.

Well worth checking out Mercury if you are looking for a good deal on a holiday.



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What time of year is that?  My guess it is off peak

Not on  a 737 Max is it. :0)

We always use Mercury for the frequent visits to Malta.

Question Author

Obviously at that price it’s off peak, but Cyprus is warm all year round (and too hot in the middle of summer).

no single supplement?

typically - a couple £2000 / a single £1500

yeah - right!


I'm already booked in to go to Cyprus in September

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I've used Mercury when travelling to Malta. Really good, helpful and knowledgeable staff. It's odd though when make enquiries at holiday companies, how the person you're talking to has always been to the same resort you're enquiring about and how good it is etc! 😊

My niece works in the travel industry and they do send them to loads of places.  She always recommends booking your own flights/accommodation to get better deals and now runs her own agency putting packages together for people.  

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They've been offering those deals for at least 15, always out of season, between November to February / March.  They are geared to retirees. 

I bet Malta is even cheaper.

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Fancy A Cheap Luxury Holiday In Cyprus?

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