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Bt Full Fibre

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Impatiens | 15:50 Wed 28th Aug 2024 | Technology
8 Answers

After years of BT WiFi dropping out every time it starts to rain, we've been invited to sign up to BT Full Fibre.  Does anyone have any experience of this please?



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Do they guarantee for you to keep your number. Brother almost lost his.

Is it going to cost you more? 

There will be two or three other providers in your area doing full-fibre. Find out which they are and get quotes.

If you do swap provider, make sure they offer a landline if it is important for you to keep the number.  Now that old phone lines are being switched off, some providers are not offering VOIP or old style landline.

As you've always had problems with WiFi I can't see full fibre being worse.  I can't see why rain should affect your WiFi though - does it drop connection if you use ethernet?  It might be your router and not the infrastructure

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Some good points to consider.

Barry, we got a new router quite recently but it's still raining on our parade.

Thank you all.

I've been with BT FF for years now, not had a single problem.

I'm no technical expert but I'll give you my experiences.  I live in the country and before we got BT full fibre the internet was very hit and miss and painfully slow at times.  We gave up our landline voluntarily and use only mobiles now.  No point paying for what amounted to mainly scammers calling when everyone else contacts us by mobile.  By the way, living here the weather does sometimes affect connections and we have power cuts too - but that's the price of country living.

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Thank you both. That's good to know.

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