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Is The Clear Blue Water Heading For A Drought.

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gulliver1 | 12:24 Thu 29th Feb 2024 | News
9 Answers

The Sky news voters panel "We will vote Reform -even if it does put Sir Keir Starmer into No 10....It seems no one is going to vote Tory.It is remarkable .Reform doesn't have any pulling power it doesn't have a lot of  media cover.They have had a tricky time in BY-Elections, But people will still vote for them rather than vote Tory, knowing it will put labour in Power.


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Its called desperation I'm affraid Mr Gully. Anything anyone will do providing it results in getting these bunch of crooks and clowns out of office.

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And to think that these people who will vote reform are Tories who refuse to vote for their own bunch of Cons.

UKIP got millions of votes - it didn't dump the Tories from power!

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A profound unhappiness of the state ot the country and exhaustion at years of Tory rule and chaos means that the 2019 tory voters will flock to the four rival parties rather than vote Tory again at the next GE.



the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the exploitation of figures of speech and other compositional techniques.

language designed to have a persuasive or impressive effect, but which is often regarded as lacking in sincerity or meaningful content.

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