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Flipping Cats!

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naomi24 | 17:54 Wed 28th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
17 Answers

I've just found a beautiful but headless little bird on my patio.  I really don't like touching birds but the poor thing had to be dealt with so open doggie poo bag in hand I gritted my teeth, picked it up and disposed of it.  Now I feel sick.  The farm cat next door has a lot to answer for - and he wasn't even hungry otherwise he'd have eaten more than the head!   Who says cats are nice?! 



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Sorry to upset any cat lovers but I can't abide them. I'd never hurt them but just don't understand the attraction, and the fact they kill birds just for the heck of it.

Cats aren't my opinion.

Much as I loved my cat, I hated to find it had killed a bird but
that's what cats do (at least most of them).  A bit like some people!!

I suspect you've yet to find the head, Naomi...😈

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Nooo!  Are you serious, LiK?  I thought he must have eaten it.  

Well, I don't know, but I can't imagine a bony, beaky skull being terribly appetising 🤢

I no longer have a cat but I love both cats and dogs.

Most people like dogs but cats are like Marmite.  Many people hate then or are afraid of them.  I can understand why.  




I don't hate them nor am I afraid of them, I just find them not worth the bother. Kittens are very very cute but they grow up to be cats, enough said 😁

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He might have left its head somewhere among the fruit trees then. I doubt I'll find it.  I like cats - I've had several but vowed never again after the last one - my favourite ever - was run over and killed on the road (broke my heart) - but they are heartless creatures when the animal instinct strikes.  One I had used to bring live mice in - and put them down to eat his dinner!  Stupid boy!  Very funny.   They, of course, wisely took the opportunity to scarper!  😂

Mother Nature.....some good recipes for mouse, rabbits, squirrels and indeed cats out there, just a Google away.

Putting a bell on a farm cat would defeat the purpose of having one.  Their job being to catch vermin.

Rats, that's the mistake I have been making.....

The RSPB and other wildlife bodies have said many times that the biggest threat to small wildlife in this country is the domestic cat. Not your cat of course! No! No! No! Your cat doesn't do that sort of thing. It's someone elses'.

Not my cat.  It never leaves the house.

If you were born a cat Naomi, you'd do it:-(

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Not me, LB.  I'd be nice.  Purrrr .....  😹

Actually you might Naomi.  You've reminded me of my brother and sister Rescue cats it was always the male that was out hunting.  My little female sat on the cottage wall out front waiting for passing walkers to fuss her.  And they did. 

My mum's cat leaves headless mice all over the neighbour's garden. She is very well fed but still insists on decapitating them. Apparently, the head is a cat delicacy. Who would have thought 😋

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