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If I Originally Wanted To Go To Jury Trial And I Changed My Mind And Decided To Go With Plea Deal.but Then I Decide I Don't Want To Go With The Plea Deal And I Just Want To Perceived To Jury Trail Like Originally Planned Can I Request That Change?

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Her2024 | 06:29 Tue 27th Aug 2024 | Law
4 Answers

Charged are in state of Idaho 



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This is a UK website, and I'm not sure anyone will be able to help you.

you can request what you like - no guarantee it will be granted

I have no idea of Idaho law..... but if you formally refuse the plea deal, then it automatically defauts to a jury trial

I think you need a lawyer and what he advises

Idaho'nt know, sorry.

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If I Originally Wanted To Go To Jury Trial And I Changed My Mind And Decided To Go With Plea Deal.but Then I Decide I Don't Want To Go With The Plea Deal And I Just Want To Perceived To Jury Trail Like Originally Planned Can I Request That Change?

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