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Who's Who On Ab?

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nailedit | 18:07 Tue 27th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
52 Answers

R.I.P Sqad who was the resident GP

Also R.I.P Theland who was the resident preacher.

NJ & BM seem to be the resident legal advisors.

naomi seems to be the voice of reason against religion

gully is the labour representitive.

3T is the millionaire

Khandro doesnt know if he's a Buddhist or a Christian.

Douglas is the comedian of AB

PP, well, what can be said???

Buen is AB's very own encylopedia.

AH is the dj on here with his knowledge of pop music.

Carry it on...

(and b4 anyone says it, yes I know that I am the p'head of AB. and im off to get another drink, back soon 😁)





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Not toworry, ladybirder, I am also a nonentity --- but I did watch the Yorkshire Vet.  My sister has met the chap at Thirsk and J. Herriot used toattend a cousin's herd.  :)

I just love everyone on here, all for different reasons as you're all unique : )

Jourdain I used to live in Pately Bridge and so also had a Yorkshire vet.  No appointments necessary just wandered in and out as you wanted, unlike where I am now.  A bit off topic but it was also the same with the doctors, just wandered in no appointments necessary.  Or if you didn't feel like wandering they'd wander up to you.

Smowball are you sure about that?  Everyone? Really?

Hi LB. Well....... nearly everyone LOL. : )

I've been on here for nearly 22 years and not a mention.

The ghost of Answer bank simply fades awayyyyyy.....

Me too Smow;-)

Phew, I seem to have flown under the radar. Expected a bashing on this one🀣

Joined in 2005, so I am a newbie πŸ˜€

I'm the introvert that turns up to all the parties but sits out during the dancing.....

Nowt wrong with being a lurker, as I am myself.

OK - we could form an 'AB AlsoRans' section.  Anyone interested?

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