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Is This Another Scam?

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Stargazer | 22:29 Wed 28th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
11 Answers

I have just received an email announcing that I have a package waiting for me  and asking for me to reply. I have not ordered anything so..............?



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A very common scam.

Do not reply.


I wonder if a swift vote of no confidence will appear or will the opposition play the long game, having created the problems in the first place and leave Starmer & co to try to right the ship?

Pandemic, Ukraine, financial crisis etc etc. Save you the bother of typing it. 

22:44 Wed 28th Aug 2024


Not sure if it was a coincidence or not. I was waiting for a parcel, received a note to pay customs CTT for its release but this was not from the company I was expecting from, did not pay, parcel arrived today fromDHL

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Thank you everyone - I must look like a gullible old lady but am grateful to those of you who have saved me.

-- answer removed --

Canary I have to disagree with you about couriers and email.

DHL, Ervi, CTT and Royal Mail all send me emails with tracking information, the opportunity to redirect or alter delivery date

My bad, sorry

You will soon receive your shipment from Kraemer Pferdesport GmbH & Co. KG ! You can track your shipment here .

Confirm the delivery address. If it is not correct, you can change it here . 

Delivery data

Estimated delivery date: Friday, August 23, 2024

Shipping number: CS540456724DE .

Example of email from DHL

I've requested the removal of my erroneous post.

Which post do you want deleting?

Canary No worries. I get lots of deliveries

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Is This Another Scam?

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