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Good Morning Thursday Birds!

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Smowball | 08:14 Thu 29th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
18 Answers

Morning everyone - sun is shining & the sky is bright blue, a good start to the day. I've got a fairly busy one - have to pack my case as I'm away tomorrow for a 2 day work showcase from fri-sun. Another train journey but nowhere near as long as Devon! This one is only 2.5 hrs lol. Have got my hairdresser at 4 just to blow dry my hair, which I NEVER book her to do, but seeing as I loathe doing it I thought I'd treat myself lol. 
Watched  the opening ceremony of the Paralympics lastnight - poor MrSmows eyes were glazing over watching it & I kept saying just change channels, put something else on, and he just said it's ok, its  only once every 4 years - am sure my brain can cope for a couple of hours lol. Some of it I thought. Was quite good but in general I thought a lot of it looked very messy and chaotic. Maybe just me lol.



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Well hello Smow, hope your epic journey ends well and your hair looks awesome.

Take care dear girl

'Morning Smow & followers ....  unusually dull this morning but maybe brighten later.  Will you be sitting up all night to keep the hairstyle in place? Enjoy the weekend. x

'Morning Smow & followers ....  unusually dull this morning but maybe brighten later.  Will you be sitting up all night to keep the hairstyle in place? Enjoy the weekend. x

Morning Smow, Ozzy, et al.

Bright sun here too, nothing planned except staying in for expected delivery this morning, then - who knows ? ? ? ? 

P.S. I don't have any hair, so no comment on that topic from me 😀

Heard you the first time Haz🤭

Crossed post, so Morning hazlinny 😊

That's me Ozzy .... two for the price of one 🤣 🤣

A bald Canary?

Too much time in a coal mine old mate?

Asking for a friend 😏


That doubles the benefit Haz,,

Morning all, my only excitement today is a Tesco delivery.

Hope your trip goes well, Smow

Morning all, the sun has just come out here. Off today to visit my oldest friend, known her for over 50years. Unfortunately she is housebound with Parkinson's. Still that doesn't stop us having a good old natter and putting the world to rights!! 

Have a nice day everyone.

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 Morning all again lol. Nope  Haz - hair will be fine lol. My hair is quite long so not a set style. It's just that since my spinal accident Inloathe blow drying my hair as just holding the hairdryer and trying to dry the back seems  to contort me into a very uncomfy position. 

Morning all, and it's a lovely  sunny one here too.
Nothing planned for today, just see how it pans out.Fridge/freezer was picked up yesterday by the council, one less thing for me to fret about.
Have a good day folks.

Good morning all. Smow, have a good train trip and a successful weekend.

Morning all, lovely day here.  Have a good weekend, smow.

Question Author

Ahh thanks guys -it's looking  like being nice weather most places this weekend so that's good. Not this intense heat we've all been having, but very pleasant early 20's . Just right.

Morning all. Have a great trip Smow.

Nothing much happening here today so same as same as. At least the weather is nice. Have a good day everyone

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Good Morning Thursday Birds!

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