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nailedit | 11:24 Thu 29th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
32 Answers

Had to nip up town this morning (after posting my thread below) where there was a film crew, filming on the bridge on the way into town, bit unusual but thought nothing of it. Thought it was students or something.

On the way back home, they were packing up equipment.

Asked them what they were filming for out of curiosity.

"Coronation Street"

So if you see a fat, overweight, scruffy looking, tatooed, skinhead on Corrie in the next week or two....



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//Ghastly, isn't it replied the Duke and walked away.//

The old git wasnt wrong...

Nailedit---Try a different search engine ,you might be more successful.   Bing or Yahoo?

nailedit - you're not scruffy looking!

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//nailedit - you're not scruffy looking!//

Arrods, how do you know?

Your not a Facebook stalker are you?

That's the pub 😬

This article is dated yesterday but the filming in Stoke was ages ago

//nailedit - you're not scruffy looking!//

Arrods, how do you know?

Your not a Facebook stalker are you?//

Not a stalker nailed it - it's like when Mrs Arrods bemoans that she's fat and horrible to cheer her up I say "You're not fat".

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Apologies  nailedit  . I got it wrong apparently. 🙄

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//Apologies  nailedit  . I got it wrong apparently. 🙄//

So I COULD be a Coronation Street star yet then?

Maybe the reincarnation of Eddie Yates or Stan Ogden in the background....

I will be looking out for the tall,slim,sauve man from Stoke-on-trent.

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You'll be looking out for a *** long time then andres 😂

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